The Perfect Time to Welcome a Great New Member of the Family

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The Perfect Time to Welcome a Great New Member of the Family

By | 2017-12-08T13:23:47-05:00 October 18th, 2013|DASHA® Community, Family, Lifestyle, SHANANIGAN®|

Is it just me? I know my kids aren’t reading Consumer Reports, but sometimes it seems as though they are constantly asking for every toy advertised on television, the newest pair of sneakers, and the latest and hottest technological gadget. My son Cooper loves to play the game of the lawyer vs. the litigator. He will push and push, making his case, giving me every reason in the book as to why he deserves a new product. Of course, he’s such a good kid, that eventually I tend to give in! In talking with my friends, however, I’ve realized that one thing that almost all children ask for is a pet. And usually the pet they are asking for is a dog.

Before Cooper and Summer were born, Darren and I had a dog named Cali, who passed away 2 years ago. Cali bonded with Cooper from when he was a baby and they always would play together. Both Cooper and Summer loved to chase Cali around and shower him with unconditional love and attention! When Cali passed away, it was heartbreaking to watch Cooper say goodbye to his best friend.

We didn’t want the kids to think that we were trying to replace Cali, but this past winter, Darren and I felt the timing was right to consider welcoming in another new member of the family. Cooper and I walked into Dog City to browse and happened to catch a glimpse of a new dog they had just brought into the store. We were immediately smitten with the snuggly and adorable tiny Morkie, a Maltese-Yorkie mix. (Check out that ear of his in the picture. It’s like he has a permanent radar antennae!) I saw the dog, called Darren, and the rest was history! VINCE was officially a part of the Pollack family. (Yes, we spell his name in all caps!) Having Cooper involved with the whole process was something that was important to me because he had been so close with Cali, and we wanted him to be able to feel the same with VINCE.

Age is something that is very important to consider when buying a family pet. How young is too young? Based on our experiences with Cali, I believe that 7 is the perfect age for a new dog to enter the family, because by the time your children are 7, they are growing more independent each day, and they understand their own strength and what is or is not appropriate behavior in their interactions with the dog. At 5, Summer is still young and not always aware that she is a lot bigger and stronger than VINCE, so we have to remind her to be gentle and careful when playing with him.

A family pet gives everyone an instant companion. Your pet becomes a new friend your children will learn to love and care for. Cooper and Summer treat VINCE as their younger brother and put on talent shows with him. Summer loves to dress VINCE up in all girl clothes like a Barbie!

Of course, the biggest advantage to having a pet is teaching responsibility. When welcoming a new pet, it is the role of the parents to assign the roles each family member will be playing, whether it’s walking the dog or filling up the food and water bowls. In delegating these tasks and holding your children accountable for them, they will learn how to take on responsibility successfully. One thing that Darren and I had to implement with Cooper and Summer was a schedule for VINCE. It has all of the rules listed, such as washing their hands before touching him. The schedule also lists who gets to hold VINCE first at different times! (What can I say? He’s a popular dog!)

If you are in the market for a family pet, take into consideration the relationship that your child will develop with the pet, and if you feel like they are ready, then that’s what counts. And here’s a little quote I’ve always loved, from Josh Billings, “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.”

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About the Author:

Shannon Russo-Pollack (SHA) is the Founder of DASHA® and powerhouse behind the DASHA brand. SHA strategically works with medical, wellness and lifestyle professionals who have a like minded philosophy of total body health and well-being. Using her entrepreneur skills, healthy lifestyle and passion for fitness to inspire others.