Interactive Workshops

//Interactive Workshops
Interactive Workshops 2019-02-23T04:03:00-05:00

DASHA’s workshops are a great way to show your team how much your care. We understand that every employee has a different fitness level. Our workshops are structured and will provide your team with an interactive session filled with information to enhance their wellbeing.

Nutritional Workshop

We will show your employees how to develop healthier eating habits in the lunchroom, how to plan healthy meals, and which snacks are most nutritious for workplace snacking.

D-Stress at Your Desk

A DASHA® “independent client provider” (licensed in Acupuncture) will display acupressure points which can help with headaches, stress, anxiety, and other ailments. The provider will demonstrate 12 helpful tips you can use at-your-desk. or on the go. These exercises and stretches will help to keep employees limber, oxygenate the bloodstream, and boost brain function.

Balance Work with Healthy Lifestyle

Personal Trainers will discuss the benefits of exercise to offset the sometimes-sedentary workday and how to incorporate heart-healthy exercises efficiently into the busy workplace.

Stretch at Your Desk + Stretch Bands

Stretching and flexibility exercises are a great way to relax tight muscles and balance the body. DASHA®’s Personal Trainers will demonstrate useful and efficient stretches for employees to do every day.

Specialty Workshop: Healthy Eating Tips + Metabolic Testing

At DASHA®, we take a scientific approach to weight loss, and our signature Specialty Workshop combines the benefits of Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) Testing with healthy eating tips and fitness/lifestyle advice to determine exactly how many calories each employee may eat.

*We provide all necessary mats, equipment, and stretch bands. Sign-up sheets and handouts will be also be provided by request for each workshop.