Faking Feeling Great, Even When You’re Not

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Faking Feeling Great, Even When You’re Not

By | 2018-01-12T17:39:27-05:00 September 30th, 2013|DASHA® Community, Family, Lifestyle, SHANANIGAN®|

What’s a woman to wear to a black tie affair when attending solo?

Furthermore, what’s a woman to wear to a black tie affair when attending solo and not feeling 100%?

Seize the Moment and the Day, of course! (I mean, what else is there to do? Crying into your pillow, while perhaps momentarily an attractive option, is the significantly less fun alternative. Been there, done that, can’t recommend it.)

Whether you’re single, married or divorced, you’ve got a lot (and probably too much) to juggle. Believe me, I know. But if I’ve learned anything, it’s that you have to show up for life and fake it, just a little bit, even when you’re not feeling it.

This past weekend, Darren was attending a medical conference and I was home with the kids, feeling a bit under the weather and fighting a stomach bug courtesy of my son Cooper. I had a babysitter all lined up because we had been invited to attend the wedding of a former DASHA® employee. Darren was across the country on the west coast, so I was going to be flying solo for the wedding. I’ve been married 10 years now, and I had never even been to a wedding on my own, let alone on my own and fighting off a nasty bug, but no matter, I was determined to rally.

I remember reading an article once, long ago, that said if you’re feeling down or not so hot, wear some sexy underwear that makes you feel good on the inside. Not everyone will know you’re wearing it, but you will, and it can go a long way into lifting your spirits from the outside in when you’re having trouble getting there on your own and need a little boost.

I wore Valentino, mostly because I wanted to be able to write that for this little piece and it sure is fun to say that, but also because I love him. It was a black floor-length lace and leather number, all modern rock and roll. (See the picture above.)

The ceremony was beautiful, the reception to die for with the food and flowers, and the couple radiant and handsome. I checked in with the babysitter once, and all was grand, so I decided to make the most of a Saturday night on the town in the big city with no kids attached to the hip. (I channeled my inner Sarah Jessica Parker in Sex and the City.) I made friends with the people at my table and even managed to boogie down a bit, so I could maximize the rock-out potential of the dress.

And you know what? I left the wedding feeling better than I had when I left for it, my positive attitude about seizing the day and moment to look great and show up for the wedding feeding my spirit and psyche, to the point where I actually did feel pretty great.

So the next time you feel stuck between a rock and a hard place when you’re not looking forward to something, or just plain feeling under the weather (and spouseless for the weekend, like I was),

About the Author:

Shannon Russo-Pollack (SHA) is the Founder of DASHA® and powerhouse behind the DASHA brand. SHA strategically works with medical, wellness and lifestyle professionals who have a like minded philosophy of total body health and well-being. Using her entrepreneur skills, healthy lifestyle and passion for fitness to inspire others.