Work What You Eat: The Corporate Kitchen Makeover

///Work What You Eat: The Corporate Kitchen Makeover
  • Corporate Kitchen Makeover

Work What You Eat: The Corporate Kitchen Makeover

By | 2015-05-08T01:00:47-04:00 March 21st, 2014|Corporate|

The expression is “you are what you eat.”  Food is the fuel we put in our bodies to make them work.  The right food, like the right oil and gas for a car, provides proper nutrients and sustained energy, whereas the wrong food can make us crash and burn.  Employers can help their team work what they eat by carefully examining the contents of their corporate kitchens.  Healthier employees who feel good about their bodies and what they’re eating and have the right fuel to help them get through the day are going to be happier and work harder.  Below are some of the most common contents of the corporate kitchen and a list of suggested substitutions that can help you get what you want, in a healthier way:

Breakfast Foods:  Bid goodbye to those large party plates with danishes, croissants, and bagels lathered in butter or cream cheese.  Say “hello” to fiber-packed and protein-rich oatmeal packets and yogurt.  Throw in some take-to-your-desk friendly bananas or apples to munch on.

Soda:  If you consume just one can of soda per day every day of the year, by the end of that year you will have consumed over 36 pounds of sugar, and gained up to 15 extra pounds by the end of that year.

What about offering your team the option of Oogave certified organic sodas brands?  Oogave drinks contain 24g of sugar per bottle, which is half that of a regular soda, and each bottle is under 100 calories.  They have excellent alternatives for those who love their Coke, Pepsi or Sprite.  There’s also the low-calorie Fizzy-Lizzy sodas — carbonated water combined with fruit juice that contain the same amount of sugar and calories as Oogave sodas.  The cranberry and grapefruit Fizzy-Lizzy sodas are the lowest in calories, and can go a long way in satisfying the juice and seltzer water lovers out there.

Combine the above selection(s) with coffee, tea and water options, and you’ve got your team hydrating in a healthier way!

Snack Time:  Keep the pretzels and popcorn to satisfy the carb and salt cravers with little guilt.  Ditch everything else.  Consider adding nuts, dried fruit, and/or a pared down trail mix to provide energy and satisfy the munchies with very little damage.  For those who have just got to have their chocolate, forget the candy bars, and consider stacking that refrigerator with Jell-O Pudding Snacks – with tons of flavors and also fat-free versions, there’s something for every palate.

Every project, every vision starts small and builds from there.  Work what you eat better.  Start your corporate kitchen make-over today, and see if it doesn’t start affecting your team in a positive way, where they’re feeling better about who they are, who they work for, and how they’re contributing.

Contact Shannon at to book your custom-tailored health event at your company today.  DASHA® is a wellness lifestyle brand and Manhattan-based wellness center created to offer a truly holistic approach to wellness.  DASHA®’s corporate health initiative is to educate, motivate, reward and inspire employees to instill better health habits and make educated decisions.  DASHA® understands that if your employees are able to stand tall, feel healthy and confident, they will be better people and can contribute more productively to their work environment.  DASHA®’s motto is “enhance your well-being.”

About the Author:

Shannon Russo-Pollack (SHA) is the Founder of DASHA® and powerhouse behind the DASHA brand. SHA strategically works with medical, wellness and lifestyle professionals who have a like minded philosophy of total body health and well-being. Using her entrepreneur skills, healthy lifestyle and passion for fitness to inspire others.