Revamping Your Handbook

///Revamping Your Handbook
  • Employee Handbook

Revamping Your Handbook

By | 2017-05-31T21:29:03-04:00 June 12th, 2014|Corporate|

People do not operate like Apple products, meaning they aren’t all built the same, they certainly aren’t always intuitive, and they could benefit from some instruction.  In the digital and green age, it’s sometimes tempting to do away with the age old employee handbook and stick to the simplicity of plain old mission statements or five-point web-site listed goals, but there’s nothing like the tried, true and tested handbook to lay the foundation of expectations and culture in the workplace.  And maybe all your handbook needs is a spring makeover, a revamping, a renovation to make it new all over again.

Recently at DASHA®, in examining ways to solidify our brand and further strengthen and unify our team, we began first with a re-write of the handbook.  The handbook is ultimately a go-to reference guide for your employees, where anything they may have questions on regarding expectations of their work, dress code, behavior, sick days, personal days, vacation days, 401K, pay periods, and more is spelled out.  It’s also a place where you can outline and develop incentive and rewards programs to build loyalty and drive the work ethic and productivity factors of your team members upward.  We like borders and order in our life; a handbook creates this and makes everyone feel more at ease.

Your employees spend at least 40 hours with you a week, and depending on their line of work, some of them may see you more than they see their family members.  So ask yourself, are you doing everything you can to create a happy work environment that people look forward to going to on Monday morning?  Do you have a handbook, and does it spell out all the nitty gritty details as well as include incentives, rewards or programs for performance that make your company a better and different company to work for?  Because what you and your team do day in and day out at work should only add to your enjoyment level in life, not detract from it.

Contact Shannon at to book your custom-tailored health event at your company today.  DASHA® is a wellness lifestyle brand and Manhattan-based wellness center created to offer a truly holistic approach to wellness.  DASHA®’s corporate health initiative is to educate, motivate, reward and inspire employees to instill better health habits and make educated decisions.  DASHA® understands that if your employees are able to stand tall, feel healthy and confident, they will be better people and can contribute more productively to their work environment.  DASHA®’s motto is “enhance your well-being.”


About the Author:

Shannon Russo-Pollack (SHA) is the Founder of DASHA® and powerhouse behind the DASHA brand. SHA strategically works with medical, wellness and lifestyle professionals who have a like minded philosophy of total body health and well-being. Using her entrepreneur skills, healthy lifestyle and passion for fitness to inspire others.