4 Ways to Get That Workout Done

//4 Ways to Get That Workout Done

4 Ways to Get That Workout Done

By | 2017-06-06T16:37:26-04:00 February 18th, 2015|Wellness|

Discipline is the theme of the month at DASHA® and earlier this week we ran a piece on how to cultivate better self-discipline, which you can check out by clicking HERE.  Our tips applied to overall discipline in your life, but now it’s time to drill down, get serious and talk about how you can be more disciplined in getting your workouts done, no excuses.  Here’s how:

BE ACCOUNTABLE.  Invest in a personal trainer at DASHA® or partner with a buddy who is counting on you to show up to take a class or go for that run.  After all, showing up is, as the expression goes, half the battle.  You won’t be able to run out of time because you already budgeted it, and someone else is counting on you to honor your commitment.

SET SHORT TERM GOALS WITHIN YOUR LONG TERM GOAL.  So you want to lose weight.  Say you want to lose 30 pounds for your wedding in 8 months.  That’s a great long term goal, but focus first and foremost on losing one pound per week and then celebrate the your small victories along the way.  Seeing the slow and steady win the race results of losing one pound per week will encourage you to stay committed to your workout routine.

BE REALISTIC.  If you’re not a morning person, don’t start scheduling time for morning workouts and then beat yourself up when you just can’t get out of bed.  By the same token, don’t say you’re going to work out 7 days a week and then get discouraged when you don’t.  If you’re going from zero or very few workout days per week, how are you going to work up to 7 days a week immediately?  You need to live your life, too.  Focus as well on complementing your workout scheduled with other healthy physical habits, such as taking the stairs over the elevator, walking for 20 minutes during a lunch break, or doing sit-ups and stretches while watching your favorite television show at night.

MAKE A SOUNDTRACK.  Working out can be far more enjoyable, especially in those times you just don’t feel like doing it, if you’re also listening to music you enjoy rocking out to.  Make those playlists for your warm up and your cool down and get moving!

DASHA® can custom design a weight loss or fitness program that meets your interests, needs and goals.  Contact us now via email HERE or call 212-755-5500!

DASHA® is a luxury lifestyle brand and New York City-based wellness center created to offer a truly holistic approach to wellness. To learn more, visit dashawellness.com.

About the Author:

Shannon Russo-Pollack (SHA) is the Founder of DASHA® and powerhouse behind the DASHA brand. SHA strategically works with medical, wellness and lifestyle professionals who have a like minded philosophy of total body health and well-being. Using her entrepreneur skills, healthy lifestyle and passion for fitness to inspire others.