6 Tips for Staying Motivated in Your Workout

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6 Tips for Staying Motivated in Your Workout

By | 2017-06-09T14:24:20-04:00 December 26th, 2014|Lifestyle, Wellness|

I always tell my patients that the biggest thing they can do to enhance their well-being is to help your medical team by practicing preventative medicine, which means actively take control of all the things you actually have control over, such as your diet, exercise, and yearly wellness check-ups.  January 1st arrives next week, and with it we see a renewed commitment by many patients to finally lose that weight or meet those fitness goals.  But the fact of the matter is, we’re all very busy, and staying motivated to take care of yourself by exercising regularly can be a challenge when you work full-time and/or have a family!  The theme of the month at DASHA® is transformation, so with that in mind, here are my tips for staying motivated in your workout:

When you can’t exercise for a dedicated 30 minutes or an hour, combine multiple short segments of time, and the benefits will add up.  You might not see how you can fit a visit to the gym in your schedule, but what about all the things you do on a daily basis, from commuting to grocery shopping, to grabbing lunch, etc.?  Extra laps around the block or on the stairs instead of the elevator, combined with lunges at your desk, etc., can really add up over time to keep you in shape.

Invest in appropriate workout gear.  It’s easy to say your gym clothes are dirty or not in fashion.  Spend the money to look good while you work out so you’ll actually wear the clothes and shoes, rather than dreading putting them on, or blaming the dirty laundry.

Leave your workout gear in sight.  If you’re a runner or a gym goer or yogi, leave the gear by the door or bed where you will always see it, as a constant reminder that it’s just as important as everything else you do and you can take it with you.  Also be sure to pack it up the night before, so you can’t use running late in the morning as an excuse.

Find a workout buddy to hold you accountable.  Maybe there’s a family member, neighbor, friend or work colleague who will run with you or take that class with you.  If you’re accountable, it’s harder to duck out of something you verbally committed to doing with someone else.  If you don’t feel comfortable working out with someone you know, you can also work with a personal trainer who will help you develop a customized training program.  Our team of personal trainers at DASHA® are experts in this field.  Click HERE for more information.

Keep an exercise journal.  Whether it’s on paper or on your smart phone, write down what you did and for how long, how you felt, and your weight.  Charting your progress can be satisfying and a great motivator.

If you miss a day, don’t beat yourself up.  No one is perfect.  If you skip a day you said you would workout, simply try again the next day and move forward.

DASHA® offers great personal training packages for any level of fitness enthusiast or athlete.  Call us at 212-755-5500 for more details.

DASHA® is a luxury lifestyle brand and New York City-based wellness center created to offer a truly holistic approach to wellness. To learn more, visit dashawellness.com.

About the Author:

Shannon Russo-Pollack (SHA) is the Founder of DASHA® and powerhouse behind the DASHA brand. SHA strategically works with medical, wellness and lifestyle professionals who have a like minded philosophy of total body health and well-being. Using her entrepreneur skills, healthy lifestyle and passion for fitness to inspire others.