What’s Cookin’ with SHA?

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What’s Cookin’ with SHA?

By | 2019-02-24T10:49:43-05:00 February 22nd, 2019|Healthy Nutrition, Lifestyle, Recipes, Wellness|

Sweet potatoes are not your average spuds and that’s why they are one of my absolute FAVORITES! Especially as a runner who is training for a whole lot of half-marathons (I know, I know here I go again) it’s so important to me that I am carb-loading the right way.

Recently I’ve been noticing that I am experiencing some gluten related issues lately such as cramping and digestive problems. So naturally I’ve been on the hunt for healthy carbohydrate alternatives and yes, sweet potatoes sure does the trick because they are high in fiber.  And high fiber means a healthy digestive system (plus they taste absolutely AMAZING) so it’s a total win-win.

Sweet Potatoes are not only high in fiber; this superfood (as I like to call them) are jammed packed with nutritions that support your metabolism, vision, and contain an array of vitamins and minerals including iron, calcium, selenium and are a great source of vitamin B and vitamin C.

If you’re searching for some tasty ‘Sweet Potato’ recipes to cook up for the family, I strongly suggest adding sweet potatoes into your lasagna. Coming from a half Italian family, lasagna and pasta has always been a family dish on the table. But, no reason why we can’t take a healthier approach to a great family recipe. Plus, it’s ‘kid taste’ approved! 

It is important to note that this is a higher calorie count meal. As a runner it is important for me to up my daily calorie intake because I am burning off more calories while training/running to give me that extra push!

*Please consult with your primary health care provider before making any changes to your diet as we are not registered dietitians*


Serving Size: 10 

What You’ll Need : Blender (or NutriBullet) for the Ricotta filling

Crockpot (for browning the turkey meat and to build the lasagna)

Total Prep/Cook Time: 4.5 hours start to finish.


Check me out in my Vlog below for a step-by-step on how to prepare!


Xx Sha

About the Author:

Shannon Russo-Pollack (SHA) is the Founder of DASHA® and powerhouse behind the DASHA brand. SHA strategically works with medical, wellness and lifestyle professionals who have a like minded philosophy of total body health and well-being. Using her entrepreneur skills, healthy lifestyle and passion for fitness to inspire others.