What is Active Release Technique?

/What is Active Release Technique?

What is Active Release Technique?

By | 2018-03-27T15:22:37-04:00 February 4th, 2014|

Active Release Technique (ART) is a term often used and little understood. What exactly is the Active Release Technique? First, the short answer: ART is a set of sophisticated soft tissue management techniques that treats problems resulting from overuse of muscles, fascia, nerves, tendons and ligaments.

Problems like shin splints, headaches, sciatica, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, Plantar fasciitis, and tennis elbow.

Now, for those who are exploring Active Release Technique for their overuse injuries, the more in-depth answer….

How Overuse Injuries Occur

In order to communicate the benefits of Active Release Technique, DASHA® “independent client providers” guide patients through an overview of how and why overuse injuries occur.

Trauma to soft tissue can be acute or small and cumulative. When soft tissue is traumatized, oxygen to the tissue becomes restricted (hypoxia)—and scar tissue build’s up. Patients who come to consult with a DASHA® “independent client providers” may be mystified as to why rest is not helping. Merely resting from overuse is often ineffective because the tissue changes result in weakened muscles, tension on tendons, and trapped nerves. This, in turn, can lead to a distressing downward spiral of compromised range of motion, lost strength, and pain.

How Active Release Technique Works

So, once the patient understands the important details of overuse injuries, the utterly fascinating and effective Active Release Technique makes a whole lot more sense. How does it work…and why does it work?

When a DASHA® “independent client providers” works with their patient, they combines a continual process of examination with technique application. A DASHA® “independent client providers” will perform a careful manual examination to evaluate the texture, mobility and function of the injured soft tissue. They will then treats abnormal tissue with any of 500 distinct protocols unique to the Active Release Technique.

Treatments take from eight to 15 minutes to perform. Two to ten visits may be required before a patient regains full functionality of the affected tissue.

Why Active Release Technique?

Many patients who come to see a DASHA® “independent client providers” with overuse injuries are—understandably—frustrated. Some have been through inordinate pain, and invasive and ineffective treatments. Active Release Technique is effective, safe, non-invasive and virtually side-effect-free. Overuse injuries heal, and symptoms are improved.. With follow-up instruction and exercise recommendations, Active Release Therapy patients also learn how to avoid repeating the injuries in the future.

About the Author:

Shannon Russo-Pollack (SHA) is the Founder of DASHA® and powerhouse behind the DASHA brand. SHA strategically works with medical, wellness and lifestyle professionals who have a like minded philosophy of total body health and well-being. Using her entrepreneur skills, healthy lifestyle and passion for fitness to inspire others.