Goo Goo Gaga for Spring!

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Goo Goo Gaga for Spring!

By | 2017-11-28T17:45:38-05:00 April 13th, 2017|DASHA® Community, Lifestyle, Wellness|

Ahh, it’s so refreshing now that Spring Season has arrived! 

How about starting off your normal walk or drive to work with an extra boost! Kick off your day with something refreshing! Instead of the same old cup of hot/cold coffee from  Starbucks  try their new Pink Drink or grab a refreshing juice from your local market! After a long annoying winter filled with tons of rain we finally can transition into clothes that are a bit lighter in color and weight.

The impact of the new season really hit’s home when you hear the birds chirping, and see the flowers blooming! Ever notice what happens when the sun is shining and the temperature gets warmer? Peoples moods can definitely switch, based on the weather. Remember too, that NOW is the perfect time to start to prepare a list for your summer vacations and day trips.

We still have a few weeks until the cold weather totally subsides but thats what makes NOW the perfect time to kick off a new workout. Jumpstart your metabolism so you’ll be slim and sculpted in no time. You don’t want to be doing all the hard work during the summer.

Have you ever participated in a endurance event?

Not only are they motivating, but you get to give back at the same time. Whether you are fundraising or raising awareness for a good cause you should take advantage of the marathons, walks, half’s and tough mutters available in your community. It’s super easy! Grab a friend from work or your partner and sign up!  There are tons of local charities that DASHA® participates with and we would be happy to recommend some for you. One of DASHA® favorites is American Cancer Society DetermiNation team. An organization like this will give you do the opportunity to dedicate your participation in a half-marathon, marathon, or triathlon to the fight against cancer. 

Here’s the Beauty

You can be both selfish and selfless when you get yourself psyched for Spring Training! Think about it, you are able to exercise and get FIT while doing a good deed then that’s a Win Win!

This Spring start caring more about your and your lifestyle and wellness needs. Don’t wait until you end up in the doc’s office to hear that you need to take better care of yourself and change your lifestyle. Trust us, we see it all the time!

Make no excuses, as to why you cant find the time to exercise. We live in a world where everything is accessible, and if that’s not enough you can just purchase it on amazon!

Be Well and Kickoff your Spring season in a Happy Place!

About the Author:

Shannon Russo-Pollack (SHA) is the Founder of DASHA® and powerhouse behind the DASHA brand. SHA strategically works with medical, wellness and lifestyle professionals who have a like minded philosophy of total body health and well-being. Using her entrepreneur skills, healthy lifestyle and passion for fitness to inspire others.